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747 Fuel jettison over Ann Arbor, MI -after loss of Engine #2

Delta 747- Flight 275- lost Engine #2 after takeoff DTW today. Flew big ovals just West of Ann Arbor at 7,000ft dumping fuel. Crew sounded busy but calm. Asked ATC for normal approach after safe landing weight was achieved. Impressive sight of 747 with vapor trails at only 7,000ft. ( 기타...

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indy2001 0
We had the same thing happen a few years ago with a FedEx DC-10 that took off from KIND and then suffered an engine failure. They flew various circuits at 4000 ft for 45 minutes while dumping fuel. One of the legs took them directly overhead our house. A few minutes after the aircraft passed, the odor of jet fuel (kerosene) became noticeable. Nothing too bad, but it reminded me of the trucks that periodically drive through our neighborhood pumping out clouds of kerosene to keep the mosquito population in check. Unfortunately, I didn't have time to run inside to grab the camera when I saw it was headed directly toward us.


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