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Virgin America CEO David Cush wants to be best in customer service

Virgin America CEO David Cush believes flying doesn’t have to be painful. He remembers when boarding a plane was exciting and wants to bring back that joy. That is why every job applicant, including pilots, flight attendants and baggage handlers, takes a personality test. He wants employees who are hard-wired with positive outlooks on life. ( 기타...

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Don Price 0
To have the best customer service, The CEO must be involved on a daily basis to challenge his employees to do the best. Too often a CEO says they want the best customer service in their industry and then goes back to their office and hope it happens. Secondly, you MUST empower your employees to make on the spot decisions with no fear of a reprimand to satisfy your customer
I hope it works and most of all I hope they are successful and get the attention of the domestic players. Thats assuming they might be paying attention - not sure they are.


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