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Security Takes Fork Away From Pilot...

Now up in Patrick Smith's ASK THE PILOT: The Hysteria Hall of Shame: Forks, Lightsabers, and Other Madness This is the lunatic world of security we now live in: one of blind adherence, stripped of reason and logic, in which even the stupidest of policies are enforced to the letter of the law. Some excerpts: “…A couple of weeks ago I proposed my idea for the American Hysteria Hall of Shame, a ranking of our more laughable and self-defeating overreactions to perceived security threats over… ( 기타...

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Tony Welch 0
I cant ever see a news story saying pilot hijacks his own airplane. Its not like he's a person who controls every single movement of the aircraft and all lives depend on him. Pilots shouldn't be scanned before getting onto an aircraft that they're in control of...
As eff'd up as it seems.. I agree with him completely.


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