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CAP Plane lands on Conroe street, Houston

CONROE, Texas - A Civil Air Patrol pilot from Houston made an emergency landing on a Conroe street after the small plane developed engine trouble. Civil Air Patrol officials said Sarah Rohvner, 23, landed the single-engine plane on Sixth Street/Highway 5 around 9:45 p.m. Tuesday. "What she told me was that she had engine failure about 6 miles south of the airport, she was losing altitude and she was looking for the best place to put the plane down, so she landed on 105," said Ashley… ( 기타...

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No flight track available on FlightAware since it was flying VFR at the time.
Why does it seem that recently so many planes are landing on the streets & roads of America? Maybe it's always happened and the news just never reported it like they do recently, but I just don't remember it happening this much in the past. It also seems like my primary flight instructor said to try and avoid roads and look for an open field since you could avoid traffic & obstructions a little easier. Just curious, not looking to start anything here...
This emergency landing did occur at night, so picking a lighted street would probably be a better option than trying to land into unknown darkness. During the day, trying to find an open field would indeed probably be a better option.
Falconus 0
Falconus 0
Yikes, hit the button too soon. Each emergency situation is different, and the best response option will differ accordingly. Landing on the road might be the best option, or it might not be; it depends on traffic density, what other options are available, etc. I think that landing on the New Jersey turnpike at rush hour may not be a good idea, but landing on a lightly used road during a slow time may be a much better idea. In any case, she obviously did not pick incorrectly, as it worked out very well.


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