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Gulfstream 650 Goes to Deadhorse to do Arctic Testing

Haven't heard to much about this bird since the fatal crash last year while taking off with only 1 engine during a test flight, flipped over onto its back on takeoff killing everyone on board. ( 기타...

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Jason Rhew 3
that runway sucks, they'll get arctic testing and ruff runway testing all in one shot
They only did a "one minute" flight today?
they apparently flew over 100 mils in 1 minute hahaha
Kevin Best 2
For the record, it didn't flip over on its back. It had a wing drop due to a stall after an over rotation on a very low airspeed engine rollback. All planned that went very wrong. The final report is out and on the NTSB website.
It has just flown into Anchorage
After the "one minute" flt.,5GD & 1SR (chase plane?) both flew to ANC to RON? You don't think they would stay at ASC when they can stay at a "comfortable" HOTEL,do ya?
I would have thought from Savanah to Deadhorse would be longer than 7 hours. But I guess when your crusing at 472 knots at FL430, it goes by fast.
sparkie624 1
glad to hear it. Hope it all works out.
They have 1,000ft over run on each end and the runway is good asphalt, even if it's M36 right now. A past co-worker and a good friend of mine does the WX up there and is there now!
JJ Johnson 1
Wonder if Gulfstream has any plans to build commercial airplanes? They make good stuff
preacher1 -1
With 6500', aren't they cutting themselves a little short? I realize that is well within their capabilties but there's not much margin for error. They haven't said much more about that KROW crash last year but even on their crosswind rway out there, they had about 2500-3 grand more room. Their airplane; I guess they can do what they want.


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