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Lockheed Martin resorts to Twitter to defend the F-22

Lockheed Martin has launched a Twitter campaign to highlight the performance of the multimillion dollar F-22 Raptor, which is under increased scrutiny as USAF pilots refuse to fly the jets due to a still-unresolved oxygen supply issue. ( 기타...

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Toby Sharp 7
They should resort to fixing the issue
99NY 2
Nah, that would make too much sense!
sparkie624 2
If its Broke... Fix it.
s2v8377 -1
The reason the F-15 and F-16 worked so well is the "Fighter Mafia" guys understood the importance of keeping it simple and a true fighter. Lesson learned from the bomber generals that dominated fighter design during the late 50 and 60's. Every time in the past they've tried to build something as a multi-roll aircraft such as the F-22 in the past it hasn't worked.
JetMech24 2
F-15's, F-16's and F-18's ARE multi-ROLE.


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