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General Aviation Guide to Flying with Guns and Ammo

This is a pretty good overview of the basic legal and practical issues regarding guns and ammo in GA aircraft. Not written by a lawyer, but it certainly seems legally sound. ( 기타...

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David Sims 2
This article has nothing to do with TSA. You can carry any firearm you wish in a GA aircraft. There are no federal regulations regarding firearms in private aircraft, but this article touches on the possible issues with local laws that could affect it.
Levave it all and home and don't worry about dealing with TSA
meeverett 1
Don't take this the wrong way, but I don't worry about dealing with TSA. I stay out of the commercial terminal and will continue to do so for the time being. I also refrain from trotting out this old topic every time I get a chance.

As David Sims mentions, this doesn't have anything to do with that aspect of flying other than a passing mention. It is, in my opinion, a good overview of carrying firearms in GA aircraft operating under Part 91.


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