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Virgin Australia looks to buy Boeing 787 Dreamliner or Airbus A350

Virgin Australia is evaluating both the Boeing 787 Dreamliner and Airbus A350 for debut on domestic and international routes from 2017. Airline CEO John Borghetti is window-shopping the competing next-gen jetliners, beginning with the 270-seat stretched Boeing 787-9 – the same model which Qantas and Jetstar will begin rolling out from 2016. ( 기타...

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After their order with the 737 MAX, they will order the 787
Don't bet on it, it's called hedging your bets and letting the two manufactures fight for Virgin's business which will most probably go group wide
787 is my favourite go Virgin
mjgodden 1
Hopefully, with their positive experience with A330, they will order A350.
I just hope both of them don't kill off the 777 and it's GE90-115B engines....a sweeter sound has never been heard!


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