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Qantas' new frequent flyer perk: take a ride in a flight simulator!

Any airline loyalty program lets you trade your points in on a flight – but Qantas is now offering frequent flyers the chance to ride in one of its state-of-the-art flight simulators. Story includes video of a Qantas 747 flight sim session from Sydney to London. ( 기타...

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I've updated the squawk link to a different site, since the original URL seems to be down:
WOW... just read the story about using my Qantas flyer points for a ride in the Qantas flught sim. HHmm if I don't receive our upgrades to Hong Kong or Singapore over Christams I may be tempted to give it a go.
I did fly the 737 in Tauranga a few years ago and that was pretty good but doesn;t have the hydraulics etc. that the 747 does.
Quackers 1
that would be pretty damn awesome. Only problem is I am about 115,000 points short....


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