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Qantas axes inflight Internet trials

Qantas has axed its plans to offer sky-high surfing across its Airbus A380 fleet, citing a lacklustre response from travellers. ( 기타...

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More like no demand due to cost... $20USD for 25MB of data.
joel wiley 1
I was taken by:

"Whilst customers who used the Wi-Fi service told us that they valued the option to connect in flight, overall the trial has demonstrated a lower than expected take-up of the service, particularly on overnight flights where sleep was their priority" explained a Qantas spokesperson.

Who defined the expectations and upon what were they based? I'd not be surprised if it was a group somewhat remote from experiencing the clientele on overnight flights. A better price-point revenue expectation could be an additional $.25 - $.99 added to some of the incidental fees (checked bag, pillow, meal).


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