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Pentagon Downgrades Specs for Its Premier Stealth Jet — Again

America’s latest stealth fighter just got heavier, slower and more sluggish. For the second time in a year, the Pentagon has eased the performance requirements of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF). The reduced specs — including a slower acceleration and turning rate — lower the bar for the troubled trillion-dollar JSF program, allowing it to proceed toward full-rate production despite ongoing problems with the plane’s complex design. Under the old specs, the stealth fighter, due to enter… ( 기타...

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Toby Sharp 3
Oh just throw this program in the trash already
Pilotguyr6 2
I agree, lets put the money they are just throwing away towards the debt
chalet 1
A lemmon, a dog, a stinko, what else. And to think that the latest batch contracted by the always accommdating DOD was $ 120 million copy.
KW10001 1
A fighter jet designed to do everything, will end up doing nothing.


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