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Dash 8-300 Expearing Engine Failure, Makes an Emergency Landing!

On March 20 2013 an Air Canada Express Dash 8-300 flight 7515 from Moncton , New Brunswick had suffered an engine failure and hydraulic problems an made an emergency landing on runway 24L at Toronto Pearson International Airport.The flight appeared to have landed safely there were 24 people on board an no body and suffered any injures Peel Regional Police say. Emergency ground crew were rushed to the runway at 4:00 pm EST an the flight landed at 4:00 pm EST. ( 기타...

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That is a Q400 not a D8-300
Sorry it was a typo. It is a Dash 8-400 a.k.a Q400
Ant Miraa 1
While me and my coworkers were waiting for emirates a380 to taxi to the gate, we saw it land. The right engine was not turning. Traffic was landing on the 24s and 23 runways, but this guy landed 33r. It caused the 380 to hold short.


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