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Pigs dont fly with Qantas anymore.

Just a matter of time now before Qantas meals become 100% Halal since partnership with Emirates. ( 기타...

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Why would Qantas be forced to serve Halal and drop Pork just because they are partnered with Emirates and stopping over in Dubai on the way to Europe? Doesn't Emirates offer a large selection of fine wine and spirits on their flights? Alcohol is not banned in Dubai.

This is a growing and insidious problem that people need to wake up to and it is not just in the air that we need to worry about Halal. Halal is creeping into our food supply chain and is being served to unsuspecting consumers.

For those who are not aware about Halal it involves an inhumane method of butchering in which the animal has it's throat slit without being stunned. It involves Muslim's "blessing" the animal as it is killed and it involves certification by Islamic agencies that have ties to terrorist organizations, i.e. money goes to organizations that fund terrorists!

By forcing Halal meat onto the non-Muslim population it is a form of a religious tax or "jizya" (see link) In other words there are LOTS of reasons why we should not be consuming Halal products!
euronorb 2
Well said Kevin, I try to make as many people as I can aware of "Halal" products and the Implication's, I shop very carefully and check all my labels. Good to see more and more people becoming aware of the situation.
flyerh 3
Remember the story of the camel sticking it's nose into the tent. Soon enough it was inside and everyone else was outside. That's an old Arab proverb and it's happening now in Europe and N. America. Smart'in up world.
I'd rather have a ham sandwich, I don't want stinking goat
Mark Duell 1
Makes sense when you're flying through DXB.
Pileits 0
Feed them Arabian horse meat steaks :)


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