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U.S. Customs seizes 20 raw Chinese Silkie chickens at Dulles airport

The passenger from Vietnam didn’t speak English. And U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents at Dulles International Airport say they could not immediately find a translator. So they let the contents of the traveler’s luggage speak for itself and ran it through an X-ray machine. That’s when they spotted the chickens, 20 of them, packed in Ziploc bags and tucked inside a cooler. ( 기타...

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They eat crap that is way worse than those chickens! BTW, carrying a cooler on a airliner is like wearing a " I might be a redneck" sign. Having some disgusting brand of beer in it or carrying dead chickens proves it. Lol
josh homer 1
Hey you leave my duct taped cooler of Keystone Light out of this!
joel wiley 1
What is your secret to get it past the TSA? If it's duct taped, they can't take their cut. Besides, are they < 3 oz?
joel wiley 1
The contents spoke for themselves? I think not, from the pictures.


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