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Four dead after air ambulance crash in Northern Ontario

All four occupants are dead after an air ambulance crashed in a remote part of Northern Ontario early Friday morning. The helicopter had left Moosonee at around midnight and was en route to Attawapiskat when dispatchers lost contact with it shortly after takeoff. The Joint Rescue Coordination Centre at Canadian Forces Base Trenton eventually spotted the wreckage near Moosonee early Friday morning and confirmed the deaths of the four occupants a short time later. Read more:… ( 기타...

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My sincere sympathies go out to the family , friends and colleagues of the Ornge Air Ambulance that perished in the crash at Moosonee , On. These fine people provide a very important service and are true proffessionals. Definitely a sad day.
Sincere condolences go to the families and friends of those involved. Ornge Pilots are some of the most skilled, and most respectable in the world, providing one of the most critical services in the province. RIP to the pilots and crew.


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