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BA hit with £1m repair bill after luggage scanner is sucked into plane engine

A Heathrow baggage handler caused up to £1million worth of damage to a British Airways plane when a luggage scanning gun got sucked into the engine. The accident happened as the Airbus A320 was being powered up as it prepared to taxi out to the runway. ( 기타...

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Grumman or grey?
josh homer 3
African or European?
/Monty Python
adambear8 1
On rare occasion the entire airframe.
acmi 2
wouldn't have phased a Boeing with GE engines....
Yeah it would've just caused a low oil indication!!!
(v)e Same 1
Hmmm now i wonder where all the stories are regarding mechanics that leave tools dangling in control lines or leaving loose parts inside the compressors (Which at least in our case gave a DC-9 an awesome single engine afterburner)....

"A worker left the tool on the engine cover and it was pulled inside inside causing around £1million worth of damage to the aircraft which had 150 passengers on board."

So it wasn't just inside, it was REALLY inside.
oowmmr 1
They must mean the company the BA works for.
1. Optical scanners are so 1975. When will they use NFC RFID tags and mount the reader on the loader? Luggage will scan itself.
2. Isn't it about time to put a screen over the intake? It could be retractable at altitude. At the very least it would slice birds into bite size pieces.
3. They need group punishment for a blunder that left the hand scanner on the engine. That will encourage everyone to keep a sharper eye if they knew a discipline lapse would result in a spanking.


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