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Plane skids off runway at Yeager; airport closed

CHARLESTON, W.Va. -- Yeager Airport is closed after an airplane aborted takeoff, overshot the runway and ended up in a safety area designed to bring planes to a halt. ( 기타...

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The pilot said that he made a quick decision to stop. I wonder if he had already exceed V1 for Yaeger's runway, and if so then what warning light is so severe that a pilot aborts takeoff beyond V1.
You wont find me questioning a pilot's decision to abort when everyone walks away. Plus, in the NTSB report, you will find out what warning light he reacted to. Plus, you'll know whether he was V1, lower or higher. Anything prior to the release of the intial report is the supposition.
You wont find me questioning a pilot's decision to abort when everyone walks away. Plus, in the NTSB report, you will find out what warning light he reacted to. Plus, you'll know whether he was V1, lower or higher. Anything prior to the release of the intial report is supposition.


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