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Passengers bumped from Virgin flight 'due to calm weather'

Calm Wellington weather is being blamed for 20 passengers being bumped off their Brisbane-bound plane. The Virgin Australia flight from Wellington on Saturday afternoon was delayed by two hours as flight crew waited for 20 of the 167 passengers to voluntarily surrender their seats. The airline blamed "light winds" for the last-minute bump-off, which was needed to shed weight before takeoff. ( 기타...

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Under those circumstances I would be first to volunteer.
GZ871 1
So is this Virgin cutting margins to the bone again? What happens in the scenario where the wind drops (or becomes a tailwind) during the take-off roll?
"Becomes a tailwind during the takeoff roll?" lol. really? I know Wello is a bit windy and unpredictable, but this isn't Microsoft Earth X.
Jon Symes 1
Wallace, you would be second off after me though, especially as the inducements usually include free fares. Having been in one of these lotteries though is not much fun if you must be at your destination to meet an ongoing flight and no-one wants to be bumped. There should just be a last checked in, first off policy rather than waiting 20 minutes.
That would be too simple.
Jon Symes 1
:-), sorry, how silly of me. Cheers


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