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Company hopes new jet will save the Air Force a bundle

(CNN) -- Could the U.S. Air Force's newest warplane be something the service didn't even ask for? That's the hope of a joint venture between Textron, the makers of Cessna airplanes and E-Z Go golf carts, and AirLand Enterprises, a small company formed by former defense and aerospace executives hoping to market a low-cost aircraft to the U.S. military. ( 기타...

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Government goal isn't saving money, it's goal is to get more money.
Nah Wallace you got this ALL wrong. What the Fed does is PRINT some more. Then say IF China wants some gold out of Fort Knox all ya do is gold plate some lead bars. Load 'em up with several FedEx MD-11s and your done. Chinese got wise though last time this roux was tried.
When push comes to shove, we have no intention of paying them anyhow. That is the new culture. Only us suckers pay up.
Haha you are ahead of me.
Saw this website a few days ago...seems an interesting concept.
"makers of Cessna airplanes and E-Z Go golf carts, and AirLand Enterprises" Henry Ford started in a back yard.
99NY 1
Great concept aircraft, and frankly its what a CAS aircraft should be. Too bad the current USAF brass (or any other branch for that matter) have no interest in saving money.


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