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Australia needs a carrier like Allegiant

Australia needs a carrier like Allegiant to serve the smaller cities ( 기타...

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The commentors on the SMH are correct. They do have that carrier in REX. However to do something like AAY, they will need an update to their fleet. It would take stops along the way in their Saabs, Warriors, etc., to do what AAY does. If they were to get their hands on something like the E170, or the B717s that SWA was handing over to DAL, they could pull it off. They have the bases in NSW, VIC, and QLD, and service covered there. Their biggest concern would be getting across the Nullaboor.
It would be great to have an Allegiant (or a bigger REX but I'd be surprised if we have the population to support services from more than a say 15. My guess is that Allegiant gets sufficient volume from the smaller towns and their surrounding areas (US 313M, Australia 23M). We just don't have the surrounding populations to boost numbers. Here is my vote for broader services ... Mackay, Rockhampton, Bundaberg, Toowoomba, Coffs Harbour, Newcastle, Wollongong, Orange, Albury/Wodonga, Bendigo/Ballarat and maybe Warnambool because they have a larger surrounding population as well. SA, Tasmania and WA just don't have the towns or populations outside Hobart, Adelaide and Perth to have a range of connection.


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