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Eppley Airfield Releases 20 Year Master Plan

Visitors to Omaha's Eppley Airfield would see major changes in the airport's parking, terminal and concourse layouts well into the future if the Omaha Airport Authority Board's new master plan comes to fruition. ( 기타...

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I read this a few days ago as well. It's about time. My hometown airport is SEVERELY lacking in services. The terminal is outright dreary, with no real modifications done to it in over 25 years, and basically looks the same as it did when I made my first flight out with my parents as a 5 year old kid around 1980.

If they had the space available, it could use a rebuild; relocating it puts it too far from downtown as well as the riverboat casinos in Council Bluffs. But it definitely needs a facelift of Joan Rivers proportions.


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