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US Ospreys show worth in Philippines aid effort

CLARK AIR BASE, Philippines (AP) - The U.S. Marines' newest and in some quarters most controversial transport airplane is showing the world what it's got - for the sake of the victims of Typhoon Haiyan, and perhaps its own future. The MV-22 Osprey, which can tilt its rotors to fly like either a helicopter or a fixed-wing aircraft, is delivering tons of aid every day to people affected by the Nov. 8 storm. The U.S. military's humanitarian effort presents a golden opportunity: The… ( 기타...

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smoki 4
Good show Marines. Keep up the good work as I know you will. The V-22 is a revolutionary design concept that many criticized early on but the critics are as typically happens fading into obscurity as the machine and its design team have now worked most if not all the technical kinks and it's able to finally meet and prove its original requirements and capabilities. I would think that eventually the design will find utility as a civilian transport aircraft.
Unusual film of aircraft actually working?
My sentiment as well!
Matt Lacey 1
There was one at the Cocoa Beach Air Show in 2011 and 2012. Pretty impressive demo. Sad that mismanagement (hydraulic failure and poor training, flew into vortex ring state) led to the death of 23 servicemen during development of the aircraft, but the design and concept are fundamentally sound.
oowmmr 1
Thats an interesting airplane. Two Marines where fielding questions years ago at Edwards, to us gockers. The rotor/props are outrageous.
Great job for sure! I'm also wondering if there is any video available. It seems like just about everyone is posting their military experiences. Why not in this case?


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