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Dreamliner snag leaves 250 Holi revellers stranded in Paris

The Boeing 787 Dreamliner's unending snags have now poured cold water on the Holi celebration plans of almost 250 people who were supposed to fly out of Paris late on Saturday night to reach Delhi Sunday morning, in time for the festival of colours. Air India's flight AI 142, to be operated on Dreamliner (VT-AND), had to be grounded just when it was to take off from Paris CDG Airport on Saturday night as the aircraft's spoilers -- speed retardation devices on the wings that move… ( 기타...

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Not sure how Boeing can suggest spoiler malfunctions aren't a safety issue?? Imagine if they malfunctioned on landing, I'm sure that poses a huge safety risk. I love Boeing aircraft but such a statement is rediculous. This is a classic example of "coffin testing". All manufacturers do it and it's a sad day when I have to say I'm disappointed in Boeing :(


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