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Officials: No Survivors Expected in Plane Crash

A small plane believed to be carrying five people crashed into a reservoir in southwestern Colorado and authorities say they don't think anyone survived. The single-engine Socata TBM700 was flying from Bartlesville, Okla., to Montrose, about 180 miles southwest of Denver, when it went down Saturday, Ouray County spokeswoman Marti Whitmore said. ( 기타...

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Aircraft was N702H a 1996 Socata TBM700 that was transferred to a new owner on March 13 2014.

Witness describes the crash;

Video N702H;
Snowing at time and location of accident. A TBM in icing conditions over mountainous terrain sounds pretty hairy. Another pilot landing at KMTJ at about the same time reported IFR conditions at the field. Reminiscent of N731CA in New Jersey a few years back.
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