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2 small planes involved in mid-air collision in San Pablo Bay

BAY AREA — Two small airplanes collided in airspace near San Pablo Bay at about 4 p.m. Sunday and one of them landed in the Bay, a U.S. Coast Guard spokeswoman said. One of the planes landed at a local airport but the other landed in San Pablo Bay, Petty Officer Loumania Stewart said. KTVU-TV: 1 of small planes involved in CA mid-air collision was able to land safely; 2nd plane has crashed into water ( 기타...

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UPDATE: 10 vessels involved in search for wreckage. Aircraft described as "World War 2" and "Cessna"

No other details available at this point
LIVE VIDEO FEED of the Marine search underway in San Pablo Bay
A note about the LIVE FEED: It is intermittent so be patient if you are trying to watch it.

The missing plane is being described as a Cessna 210. The World War 2 era aircraft that landed safely is being described as a Hawker Sea Fury TMK 20.
From KTVU: A picture of the Hawker Sea Fury that landed safely


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