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Brown says rising sea levels could force costly move of LAX Gov

California political math...LAX is 126 feet above sea level but somehow Governor Moonbeam thinks it will flood with a four foot sea rise. Translation: give us more money to tackle this pretend problem so when it doesn't happen victory can be claimed. ( 기타...

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This link directs me to the LA Times website homepage, but the article in question is no longer visible.
That ranks up there with your global climate fraud and Muslim reach out programs. Lol
You tea party chaps sure have it bad against science, don't you? When even the U.S. Navy has a task force considering the risks of rising sea levels and increased dangers from storm surges, you still deny the data? Ignorance is bliss, I suppose. LOL!
Exactly Dave. The lack of care for others and future generations is disgusting. Facts don't sway them.
canuck44 0
US Navy Task Force? From the same people that are hosing the taxpayers $424/gallon for algae based biofuel or 4-8 times normal price for the cooking oil variety. The real problem we have is the low information voter that actually thinks the four foot rise (not going to happen) will actually close an airport where the lowest part is 122 feet above even the rise projected by the alarmists and that the giving the government more money and using CFL light bulbs is actually going to solve the "problem".
I believe we have had global warming before. Spend a little money and it will go away.


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