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NTSB calls for upgraded lithium ion battery standards for 787s, future aircraft

The US National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) has called on FAA to “reevaluate” the risk of an “internal short circuit” in lithium ion batteries currently operating on in-service Boeing 787s. The recommendation was part of a 12-page “safety recommendation” letter sent by NTSB to FAA administrator Michael Huerta on Thursday stemming from findings in NTSB’s investigation of the Jan. 7, 2013 fire aboard a parked Japan Airlines (JAL) 787 at Boston Logan Airport. ( 기타...

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Actually, the 787’s revamped lithium ion battery system went “through rigorous certification testing before the 787 returned to service last year” and the tests were “fully consistent” with recommendations made by NTSB.

It's the current FAA battery certification that's inadequate and all other batteries on all other planes, and batteries in components used in all planes that could be problematic; potentially leading to an extreme catastrophic outcome.
MH370 1
Official NTSB press release:


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