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Grenade found at LAX: Five flights delayed; man arrested

A man was arrested Tuesday when a hand grenade was found in a carry-on bag at Los Angeles International Airport, officials said. According to a Transportation Security Agency statement, five flights were delayed as officials dealt with the grenade, an Mk 2 model formerly used by the U.S. military, which was discovered at Terminal 1. About 800 passengers were affected. "The Explosive Ordnance Disposal team transported the grenade to an offsite location to be disrupted," the statement… ( 기타...

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This is really something. In times past, whole terminals and even the whole airport have been evacuated and locked down for much, much less, yet here is a live grenade, found at a checkpoint and only 5 flights delayed???????????????? Only in California
Maybe there were no more flights delayed because the perpetrator did not fit the usual description of a bad guy....
Maybe I missed something, but nowhere does it say it was a live grenade.
Well, no actually it doesn't but it does say an EOD team took it away and disrupted it, so I guess the LIVE is assumed.


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