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Pilots Pull Rank, Declare Emergency At JFK (With Audio)

The crew of American Airlines Flight 2, a Boeing 767 out of Los Angeles for New York, ultimately declared an emergency while trying to land in strong crosswinds at JFK, May 4, after apparently being denied their runway of choice. Speaking for the JFK Controller union, Steve Abraham told ABC news the pilot "had no choice. He couldn't land 22L, it would have been illegal for him," due to the crosswind. ( 기타...

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Dubslow 0
It's possible I'm wrong, but to me, it does not seem like the safe operation of the aircraft was in danger. Refusing to land on 22 in those crosswinds is perfectly fine, and the right decision, but declaring an emergency to get ahead of everyone else seems like complete overkill. If the controller refused 31R, then they could have diverted, rather than declare emergency. On-time arrival at the right airport was at risk, but not safe operation.


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