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Feds Say Man Posed As Airline Worker To Get Free Travel

BEVERLY HILLS (AP) — Federal officials say that a Georgia man posed as an airline employee to score cheap travel and resold the tickets for thousands of dollars. The U.S. Attorney’s Office in Los Angeles said that 37-year-old Gilbert Myers Jr. of Atlanta remained in custody Friday on $75,000 bond after pleading not guilty to mail-fraud charges. ( 기타...

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homburge 3
What I think funny in the article is how the government says this guy cost the airlines 100s of 1000s of dollars -- except that these were "non-revenue" tickets...
BaronG58 2
I think their point is the fraudulent non-rev seats prevented these seats being sold to paying customers...therefore lost revenue.
1Robertg 2
Non Revenue seats are 'Non Revenue' ... You are always bumped for revenue pax.
What the airlines "lost" was potential revenue - that they would have lost anyway if the seat was vacant.
Years ago, there was a scam that included Travel Agency's "in the loop" .. Tickets would be called in as having been paid for .. Passenger would pick up ticket, After hours at an airline counter, on a week end .. It is said this was in part, how and why the airlines jumped onboard, when the internet was proven to work. It immediately solved this problem .. A Travel Agency I worked for, "was used" and cleared.
As with any business, the discount is calculated as retail cost rather than actual cost of service or product received.
The funny thing is that, after losing my careers at at few airlines, I actually thought of how to impersonate an airline employee and return to the industry and work I love so much but would never do such as this would completely eliminate my already small chance of returning to this industry that I love so much.


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