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Airbus gets commitments for 496 aircraft in best-ever Farnborough performance

Airbus president and CEO Fabrice Brégier said the European manufacturer had one its most successful air show performances ever at the 2014 Farnborough Airshow, where it won commitments for 496 aircraft worth more than $75 billion over four days. ( 기타...

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With the table showing a smaller, long range plane selling fairly well and not the fat boy listed, I guess Boeing won that bet.
Maybe - and when Boeing ridiculed Airbus for the A320neo program and then watched as it racked up thousands of orders in a few years, Boeing lost that bet. It's all part of the back and forth that both manufacturers participate in.
And our workforce in SW Alabama is gearing up to put Boeing out of business because Boeing has been pretty danged smug about overcharging the American taxpayer for HOW long now? :)


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