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Emirates rolls out free inflight Internet on Airbus A380, Boeing 777 fleet

Wireless inflight Internet access is now free across the bulk of Emirates’ Airbus A380 and Boeing 777 fleet, with each traveller provided with 10MB of usage at no charge. A further 600MB of data costs just US$1, although Emirates intends to update its inflight software “to eventually enable passengers to have unlimited free access to Wi-Fi” at 35,000 feet. ( 기타...

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This really does make you wonder what the hell Emirates is doing right, that the US carriers are nickel-and-diming you to barely get half the service Emirates is offering.
"The sky is the limit". . . . .
Yep, and just $1US for 600MB. Took advantage of this a couple of days ago to re schedule my onwards travel because the Emirates flight I was on was delayed by 5 hours. Very handy ;)


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