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Is the FAA Rejecting the Best Controllers?

Recent changes in the methodology used by the FAA to hire air traffic controllers may have resulted in some highly qualified candidates finding themselves without a job. A report from CBS News claims that some of the top ranked students from highly respected ATC programs have been rejected as a result of new pre-employment testing. The FAA changed the way it hires air traffic controllers at the beginning of the year, stepping away from the traditional interview process and experience… ( 기타...

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Good or bad, it seems like they have changed the rules of the game mid steam, with no notice to anyone.
Sounds like the "teach to an ever-changing test" syndrome that education policy has been driving for the last decade or so is now spreading beyond the public schools. NCLB - No Controller Left Behind?
I'm right in the middle of this issue and while the FAA sometime does questionable things, this maneuver has *truly* gone pear-shaped!

Just 62 questions - like "How many sports did you play in high school?" or "How many art classes did you take in college?" are all the separated educated, trained applicants from fry-cooks and big-box store greeters. And, sadly, the scales tipped *away* from those with education, training, and experience. Only about 40% of the selectees had aviation experience.

To make matters worse, now the FAA has to sell the "big lie." Rather than admit that their "validated" test didn't work, they are faced with having to "ensure" that their selectees make it through schooling and into the field facilities.

They have drawn a line in the sand and will not, cannot have *anything* that indicates they were wrong. What do you bet, they will be "helped" in checking out too?? NCLB indeed!
About them norm for the fed's now days.
s2v8377 6
Many years back I passed the FAA's AT-SAT in the better of the two categories called "Well Qualified" and I had a solid resume with comparative traffic control experience in another industry.

When I received my e-mail of congratulations from the FAA, the next step was a questionnaire one what locations and facilities you wanted to work.

I later found out from a source that if you put anywhere other than where they needed controllers, that they wouldn't call you. The problem was though that the FAA didn't tell you where they needed controllers.

To me it sounds like the FAA has only made a bad system worse with this change in testing.
I have put in hundreds of applications for a job with the FAA. I wanted to be a 139 airport certification inspector and never even received an interview.

I have a four year degree from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, private pilots certificate, 12 plus years in commercial airport operations and a CM certification from AAAE. But I was told that because I was not ex-military or disabled that I would never get an interview.

Are we truly hiring the most qualified candidates for our jobs. I could have understood if I didn't get the position but to not even be considered for the interview process???
That is what we need!! Lower standards for controllers. Typicial of the FAA!!!
Equal Opportunity
How was it possible back in 1985 at the screening phase, some of my classmates had the course materials and charts before they got to OKC ? They were already hired for Cleveland Center before passing the screen.
You'll have to ask them. I doubt it would make any difference though. They'd be close to retirement nowadays.


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