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Eastern Air Lines is back in the air

Eastern Air Lines, which used that slogan in the 1980s, flew its first of 20 new planes into Miami International Airport on Friday afternoon. The event marks a relaunch of the once-bankrupt airline, which last flew in 1991. ( 기타...

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No, Eastern is not back in the air. The once storied Eastern run by the first man on the moon, was wound up, sold to settle claims, stock cancelled and ceased to exist.

George Harrison once remarked on the reunion of the Beatles, "You can't reheat a soufflé." It is the same with Eastern. The only thing that is the same is the name.
Plane livery too.
The article says it will begin service as a charter company in 2015.
I really can't figure out what they are doing. There was a big article a few moths back about used aircraft they had bought and even pics of the repaint. Now we are talking about new stuff and charter instead of scheduled.
s2v8377 2
MIA is an American Airlines hub!!! Why would they want to be based out of there??? It's American's gateway to South and Central America, as well as the Caribbean!!!

I would compare this move to being based out of ATL and trying to compete with Delta on the ATL-NYC (JFK/LGA) route. It's not going to go well to say the least!!!


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