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US Army deploys missile-fighting blimp over Maryland

For the first time, the U.S. Army lofted a blimp equipped with a new cruise-missile and drone-fighting radar system high above rural Maryland. ( 기타...

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This is that thing that was conjured up last year or before that we don't need, cost a bunch of money and to some degree will pollute the Northeast airspace.
From the article:"As part of the deployment, Raytheon engineers raised one of the football-field sized aerostats thousands of feet in the air and conducted a series of tests to ensure it was operating as designed."
Note the 'as designed'- as in designed to prove we can bill the treasury for our work now.

Maybe they use stealth technology to hide it, but have the required collision avoidance lights on the tether.

On the other hand, this may be an Army countermeasure. Since the AF has been trying to take their planes, maybe this is a sacrificial program to divert AF attention.
Best I remember, this came out of the clear blue last year or whenever, not prompted as a need, with the Army having no role in White House or missile defense. Don't know if they were just jealous or had extra borrowed money to spend, and I am willing to bet that they gave no thought to Collision avoidance or such as that.


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