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Travel Advocates, FedEx Join forces to Maintain US Open Skies Policy

A group of lobbyists and a FedEx Express executive accused the three US major airlines of trying to roll back the clock on Open Skies policy and keep out international competition. ( 기타...

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The Open Skies and all that competition needs to be looked at under a glass. If there is no gov't support, then it's just tuff for our legacies. That said, if they are subsidized, we have the option of cancelling open skies or subsidizing them ourselves. Whichever route it goes, it must be remembered that even if we cancelled them all, that pendulum swings both ways.
Totally agree. From what I can gather, Fedex just wants to keep these foreign countries happy so service can continue unaffected. I'm all for competition, just not when one side has a clear disposition over the other.
"...lower fares, newer airplanes, faster connections, more destinations and better service..." What a concept! I can fully understand why most US airlines are worried! Their motto seems to be "lower pay, a few new aircraft, slower connections, fewer destinations, and absolutely no service" They also have a new banner on their tickets, "You should be thankful you get to sit down during the flight!" Saw a new briefing card last time I flew. No pictures of how to don a life preserver or how to exit the aircraft. Only thing on the foldout card (both sides, no less) was the following text: "Sit down! Shut up! Keep you feet off the seats!" OK, I jest a bit, there was nothing about "seats"... ;-)
indy2001 1
Why is FedEx sticking its nose into the problems faced by passenger carriers? If one or two foreign carriers form a maasive, government-backed freight airline that uses brand new aircraft and cheap labor to significantly undercut the prices charged by US carriers, I'd bet FedEx sings a different tune.
If open skies were revoked it would affect them too.


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