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After 7 years Qatar gives up waiting for Bombardier C-Series

Seven years after Al Baker first said he planned to order 20 of the planes, the executive said he’d gotten fed up with the many delays in Bombardier’s development of its biggest jet. Instead, Qatar will stick with a revamped Airbus Group NV model that’s due to come out before the end of the year. ( 기타...

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How long did they wait for the A380 and 787? Both programs had longer delay's and bigger cost overruns than the CSeries.

Some times you have to wait a bit longer for the most advanced product. That the A320 is beating the CSeries to market is no big accomplishment considering it is basically a 30 year old design with new engines.

Those airlines that have put their faith in the CSeries will be rewarded as it is being reported by Leeham news that the CSeries is exceeding performance expectations.
the boss still has five ordered and will likely increase the order. In the meantime, he's leased three more L188's
Bloomberg is reporting that Grupo Aeromexico is studying the CSeries as a replacement for its feet of Embraer jet


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