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FCC Bans 121.5 MHz ELTs

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) June 15 released the notice of a rule prohibiting the “certification, manufacture, importation, sale, or continued use of 121.5 MHz ELTs.” The rule would suddenly make aircraft that are in full compliance with the federal aviation regulations in violation of federal communications law. ( 기타...

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jackmcgorr 0
The FCC need to get a clue as to the real world, Or maybe they have a stash of 406 mhz that they can give out to all for free? Did not think they would They need to take their time and give the rest of the world time to adjust 121.5/243 have been around a long time and are also use in other countrys Wake up FCC
Unfortunately, the first generation ELTs operating on 121.5 MHz have proven to be highly ineffective, with a 97% false alarm rate, activate properly in only 12% of crashes, and provide no identification data.[] Furthermore, the location satellites are no longer monitoring 121.5 MHz as of February 1st, 2009--only Earth-based monitoring. Although the 406 MHz ELTs cost about $1,500 (versus $500 for the older 121.5 MHz ELTs units), the technology improvements would seem to be a good thing for pilots to have. Maybe some rebate or trade-up program could be enacted.


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