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CIT orders five additional A321ceo aircraft

CIT Group Inc. (NYSE: CIT), a global leader in transportation finance has placed a firm order for five more A321ceo aircraft, in effect doubling its most recent commitment for five A321ceo’s signed at the 2014 Farnborough International Airshow and firmed up in November 2014. This latest agreement brings CIT’s total order for the A320 Family to 205 aircraft, comprising 155 CEO and 50 NEO aircraft. ( 기타...

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All this just goes to show that while there may be demand for luxury stuff, that the single aisle 737/A320 series is still the bread & butter for both Boeing and Airbus. This is backed up by the fact that Renton is turning out all they can and talking about upping production and that is the series that the Mobile Airbus plant will produce.


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