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Airline spy system threatens privacy of passengers

Airline passengers could have their conversations and movements monitored under a European Union project aimed at tackling terrorism. A combination of cameras, microphones, explosives sniffers and a sophisticated computer system would give a pilot early warning of danger. ( 기타...

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So if the guy is snoring next to me and my face appears agitated will I be judged by the system as a terrorist? Seems like there could be a lot of glitches in that system
lsh2429516 0
This is definitely not "enjoy your flight" any more, it would me more like "hey, watch what you do, and what you say and be sure not to bring something that smells like bomb"..... I thought air travel was supposed to be relaxing trip where I pay companies to pay to fly me, now spy me....

This might help to make more "safe" flight but it is against my definition of air traveling....
Interesting article, though normally I have associated an event such as "several passengers entering a lavatory at the same time" more with out-of-control hormones rather than terrorism. Also I wonder if "Inside lavatories explosives sniffers" could differentiate between a "bomb was being assembled" and normal lavatory "bomb".


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