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I do think we are stuck with the subsonic tubes until "Beam me up" works.
jmrazek1 1
The economy is not what it used to be. There is no room for the Concord. Airlines don't want to spend that kind of money anymore. Everyone wants B777s and A330s, and looks like the A350 is a big hope for many airlines. It's still an interesting read nonetheless.
ADXbear 1
Haven't we been here before, we cant pilot to fly by the seat of their pants and passengers to stop fighting over 27" seats.. now were going back to 80 passengers paying $15 to $20K to cross the pond.. Who is going to buy these planes?
To boot, there has been no regulation change about faster than sound by a civilian aircraft over land(US). Concorde had 100 people and couldn't make it. How can this? As one says above, interesting reading though.


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