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D.C. Warbird Flyover To Be Streamed Live

If you can't make it to Washington, D.C., for tomorrow's Arsenal of Democracy warbird mega flyover, you can still catch all the action live through an exclusive webcast. The day's events will be broadcast on USVets.TV starting at 10:30 a.m. ET and continuing until well after the flight of more than 50 World War II era military airplanes ends. ( 기타...

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I sure wish they had close captioning for the commentator and had left the ambient microphones on. We got to hear a couple of radials for a few seconds during the whole show...
No kidding. I was really disappointed by that. Hopefully I can watch it again later with better quality video AND sound. :(
Great... News came out just in time to miss the entire event.. UGH ;(


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