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Hello, Beijing: American Airlines to put Boeing 787 on its first international route

With nearly a month of practice behind it, American Airlines will put its new Boeing 787 on its first international route Tuesday – Dallas/Fort Worth to Beijing, China. Flight 89 is scheduled to take off at 11:20 a.m. ( 기타...

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This is puzzling as to why they reduce seating capacity. Are the cost savings that much on the 787. Of course they don't tell what % of those seats were filled.
As configured by American, the 787 has 226 seats, compared to at least 247 seats on the 777-200. We say “at least,” because American is in the process of converting its 777-200 fleet. It is taking out the first-class section and installing its new design lie-flat seats in an expanded business class.

"As a result, there’s an interim configuration of 260 seats and an eventual configuration of 289 seats for the 777-200 fleet.


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