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Airbus wins $1.3 billion South Korean airborne tanker deal

SEOUL, South Korea • South Korea said Tuesday that it has decided to buy four military airborne refueling tankers from European aerospace giant Airbus Defense and Space for $1.3 billion. ( 기타...

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There goes the neighborhood. I agree on the troop deployment.
canuck44 2
Maybe those US troops would be better deployed on our Southern border and let the Koreans fend for themselves.
Hello Congress, we need an amendment to the Korean SOFA (Status of forces agreement) that American soldiers only work with American iron. If the fit hits the sham in Korea, Europe may not be keen on or even be able to support hostilities in the Koreas. Hopefully the Korean cousins will find a peaceful way to end the standoff peacefully.

Military is no place to make decisions on exchange rates.


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