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Airplane Travel More Climate-Friendly Than Car Travel

Airplane Travel More Climate-Friendly Than Car Travel ( 기타...

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So if the airlines can come up with more dense seating arrangements it is for your own good. Lol.
This makes perfect sense if and only if you drive from the origin airport to the destination airport. If you actually plan to go elsewhere, then other factors are involved. Finding problems with the analysis is a target rich environment.
That's a fact. Don't want to talk about getting to/fro airport, hundreds of service vehicles at airport, hundreds of airport personnel driving to/fro airport, etc, etc, etc, etc......slanted maybe?
Wallace24:But then it will be a lot less climate friendly inside the aircraft.
True! But I won't care because I won't be there. I'll be in my car....
It's the fuel burn / CO2 produced per _hour_ rather than per mile that's the real measure of how bad a particular mode of transport is to the environment, because we only have a finite amount of time to travel. I'd never live 2500nmi from my parents if driving was the only option to get back to see them!


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