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Private ceremony for Australian in MH17 777-200 victim

In the Australian Sunday mail paper today on of the many passengers killed aboard MH17 over Ukraine was finally given a farewell ceremony a year after the incident. It is shocking to see how the governments of the world react this way in not finding out who shot down the wide bodied aircraft at FL380 over Ukraine. But our thoughts and prayers are with all families and friends who lost loved ones aboard this flight. This also includes all FLIGHTAWARE members who visit this site 24/7 DAYS A WEEK.… ( 기타...

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Don"forget what they did years back to KAL007 747-100a/c
Agree these lives were innocently taken by the low life ruthless people fighting war over what?. Why war what do you get from in. NOTHING. nobody wins they end up being losers but instead they take the lives of families as a weapon. I condemn them for there actions. RIP to those who lost there loved ones.
Fully agree! In the absence of any serious concrete evidence to the contrary, Russia is clearly guilty of direct mass murder (again) in the downing of MH17.
Is there any serious doubt about the direct cause of this tragedy?
I still think the Russians are responsible for the shooting down of the civilian airliner
Malaysia alone is powerless to make any real impact on the Russians leader who likes to shoot at airliners. America has been practicing look-the-other-way rather than imposing sanctions with teeth on the perps. The whole world of transportation should shun Russia until they show a desire to live with the rest of the world. A start would be significant apologies and compensation to families, and send MAS a new Boeing jet on the Russian tab.

Neither will happen unless no flights take off for Russia, and none from Russia be allowed to land.

The economies of many nations would be severely harmed because they are intertwined with Russia's. It would also be unfair to rank and file Russian people to endure such hardship.
Perhaps a bit of unfairness is what Russians need to change their government, and join the 21st Century.
Russia has never been a stranger to the mass murder of innocents. The primary difference between the murders committed by Russia and and those of Hitler's Germany is more a matter of scale, and I'm not at all certain that the scalar difference represents much more than a very narrow ratio.


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