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FAA Official Teixeira Resigns Following FBN Investigation

The Federal Aviation Administration's Joseph Teixeira has resigned according to a letter obtained by FOX Business Network. As Vice President, Safety and Technical Training Air Traffic Organization, Teixeria has come under scrutiny following a FOX Business Investigation into the hiring practices of the FAA, Trouble in the Skies. ( 기타...

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canuck44 4
Sure we get rid of this jerk with 15 more waiting in line to take his place. The important question is what does the FAA plan to do to correct the practice of downgrading qualified graduates of 4 year programs to hire off the streets, untrained individuals to occupy chairs in the system based on what color of skin or sexual orientation they bring to provide "diversity" to the FAA. It should be noted that diversity has never been demonstrated to bring quality to any program except a dating service.
Couldn't happen to a nicer guy, even if he says he retired rather than resign.
bbabis 1
Seems the link went down. That was a pretty sickening LOR he wrote and maybe they didn't want anybody else throwing up. Huerta has to go also. The big O puts pressure on these fools to do his dirty work and there are no balls in Washington anymore. Its shut up, suck up, and take the money.
Pileits 1
Typical Federal government administrator, SCUM always rises to the top!

40yrs ago when I worked at U.S.Customs my boss, another Federal "Lifer" who also was SCUM rose to the top.


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