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After Plane Stalls Mid-Flight, FAA Slaps SkyWest with Altitude, Speed Restrictions

The Federal Aviation Administration is slapping SkyWest with speed and altitude restrictions after one of the airline's planes allegedly stalled last April. ( 기타...

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I wonder which will win out, the FAA or the airline regarding the unexplained steps they took a couple of weeks ago.
390 in a CRJ empty is a feat! W/PAX & fuel it's stupid. Bet it was ISA + as well. I didn't think last weeks discussion told the whole story when the operator came out with the restrictions but not the FAA connection. The passengers might win, no more stalls at 390!
What the hell you smokin anyway? Here are mfg specs, just for a starting point:

Normal cruising speed
Mach .74 [488 mph, 424 knots]

Maximum cruising speed
Mach .81 [534 mph, 464 knots]

Flight ceiling
12,496 m (41,000 ft)
Nothing these days. A CL60 type and a little time in the airplanes is my reference point, homesick angels these are not
It's all about the piggy wing. They always need a runway that a Republic fighter would need, they are always heavy, even empty, and they don't suffer fools well either on the ground (Gunnison) or at altitude! Sounds like a Lear Jet! Ahh, the source of the CL60.
The 200 we got at FSM last year was a dream to fly; of course it was a total reman and mod. Sounds like you have had some dogs.
I appreciate the cockpit and the room and good flying airplanes for sure. The early ones I flew were heavy bows and that didn't help. I am typed in two airplanes that are certified to 510 and never flew one that would make it there. Closest I ever got was 470 in an empty C650 on the last hours fuel and ISA - something. The Lear didn't have the wing, the C650 didn't have the thrust and the early CL60's I flew didn't have either.
Ours was a later model. Delivered new in late 08. Wasn't flown much; No TX outfit went BR and it was repoed and stored with maintenance at KAMA til we came across it. It had no problem with doing the spec's above. I did some fill in with pinnacle before DAL and some of those were dogs. AA was ERJ's, with an ATR thrown in every now and then. Hated them things, the old 24's I think.
Actually, speed wise, it would beat those certs if you were in a hurry. You could get FL 39/40 and get on top and above everything.


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