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Can The F-35 Beat The A-10 In Close-Air Support?

I know of at least a couple of people have pondered this question. GILLIAN RICH, INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY is reporting the DOD is working on such test for around 2017-18. That is well into the next administration. Maybe to make it a level playing field, the Warthog will only load as many rounds as the FUP-35. ( 기타...

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Pretty soon it's not going F-35s nor A-10s it's all going to the PQ-1s and other drones for close air support. :-(
Still a hunk of junk. You can bet that the suits will figure out a way to weight the tests so that the F35 will come out on top. You wlll note in the article that they are going to try and make it equal. How are the going to equalize the E35 and a gun that will only fire 600rpm.
A10's and F5's can't be beat in close support.


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