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Transaero to Cease Operations, Aeroflot Deal Fails

Russian carrier Transaero will cease operations as of December 15. Aeroflot dropped the plans of its acquisition. ( 기타...

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Just saw a small fleet of 4 747's of theirs at MLB with engines missing, APU exhausts and windshields taped up, just sitting there next to a hangar. Made me wonder what was going on, I'm assuming this has something to do with it.
was flying many time with aeroflot from amsterdam to shanghai.
perfect service, always on time, modern planes on international routes, in short a very good cie and an example for the more expensive ones.

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honza nl 1
ever flown with Aeroflot ? I did, and they performed much better in many ways as traditional airlines from the West. One also could say the US should stop making cars, if you see the crap they make....

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